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October 20 – Noon


“You shall have no other gods before me.

(Exodus 20:3)


Dear God,

You are the one true God, and I commit to worship and serve only You as instructed in this verse. Help me to keep You as my priority in my life and to not let anything or anyone take Your place in my heart. I ask for the strength and wisdom to resist the temptation to put anything else before You and to always honor You as the one and only God in my life.

I pray that You would continue to reveal Yourself to me in deeper ways and help me to grow in my relationship with You. May my heart be fully devoted to You and may my actions always reflect my love and reverence for You, the one true God. Thank You for Your faithfulness and grace in my life, and I pray that You would continue to mold me into the person You created me to be. In Jesus’ name, Amen.