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October 6 – Evening


And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.

(1 Peter 5:10)


Dear God,

You are the source of all grace and strength, and I come before You in prayer, asking for Your continued support and guidance in my life. Your word in this verse assures me that after I have suffered a little while, You will restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish me. I trust in Your promises and ask for the perseverance to endure any trials I may face, knowing that You are with me every step of the way. Help me to remain steadfast in my faith and to rely on Your unfailing love and power to see me through.

I pray that You would strengthen my spirit, confirm my faith, and restore any areas of my life that have been broken or worn down. Help me to trust in Your timing and to have patience as I wait for Your divine restoration in my life. May Your peace and joy fill my heart as I place my trust in You, knowing that You are faithful to fulfill Your promises. In Jesus’ name, Amen.